Thursday, March 31, 2011


How often do we say "I know"  and why do we say it even when we don't know?
How often do we ask "Did you know?" only to use the lines that follow as a way to show off our intelligence or our savvy fact-finding aptitude?
Do we ever stop and think how others feel when we say "I Know"?  When we do this, we are stopping people in the tracks of their conversation or the information they are attempting to impart to us.  We are preventing them from sharing their ideas in their own way - perhaps different from our own, but no less important.
How to change up 'I know':
  • say "thanks for the information, I had heard that before and am grateful for your spin on it"
  • ask "how does that information apply to you" - digging deeper can get more details for you to understand what you think you already know
  • say "what a great way to look at that"
All easy ways to keep the conversation going and growing what you already know.

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